Galigamuwa Pradeshiya Sabha Official Website
Galigamuwa Town, a beautiful town located in Kegalle District of Sabaragamuwa Province, is a historical town with evidence of ancient settlements with ancient settlements flourishing with tea, rubber and minor export crops with hillocks and ancient kingdoms.
Our Vision
Public health, public roads,
Pioneering the promotion of public utility services
Our Mission
It is the effort made by the people of the Pradeshiya Shaba jurisdiction to direct their own resources, which are sacrificed by each other, and the resources obtained from the central government and the provincial council, for their own well-being with proper management.

This position is temporarily vacant until the local government elections are held and the Members are appointed

Mrs. D Navoda Krishanthi Galigamuwa Pradeshiya Shaba Pitagaldeniya Tel : 035 22 89 075 / 203 Mobile : 071 446 8639